Buttermilk Mousse with Fruit Salad

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Total time: 1 hour

For the fruit salad:

For the buttermilk mousse:


For the buttermilk mousse on fruit salad, peel the fruit if necessary, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces and then squeeze the orange.Heat a non-stick pan and caramelize the sugar. Deglaze with orange juice, let cool and pour over the fruit.For the buttermilk mousse, mix yogurt, buttermilk, honey and orange juice. Soak gelatin sheets in cold water, squeeze and dissolve in 3 tablespoons of hot water and stir hot into the buttermilk mixture.Beat Cremefine, fold into the buttermilk mixture. Spread the mixture into a baking dish and chill for approx. 4 hours. Remove the dumplings from the mold and arrange the buttermilk mousse with the fruit salad on plates.

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