Pizza Dough Alla Nonna

Rating: 3.40 / 5.00 (55 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 3.0 (servings)



For the pizza dough, mix well 350 g of flour with the whole package of dry yeast. Mix water with oil, salt and sugar in a measuring cup.

Add to the mixing bowl to the germ and flour mixture. Knead into a dough. It is best to mix firmly with a wooden spoon first, then dust the work surface with about 2 tablespoons of flour, then knead the dough firmly into a ball with the palms of your hands.

Return the dough to the bowl, cover with a damp cloth and place in a warm place for about 1 hour to rise.

Heat the oven to 200 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Generously flour the work surface and knead the dough well once again.

Flour the rolling pin and roll out the dough evenly. This dough rises nicely in the oven, so feel free to roll it out a bit thinner.

It’s best to roll it out right away on the baking paper, then it’s easier to get the dough onto the sheet. When the desired topping is on the pizza dough, bake for another 25-30 minutes (depending on the thickness of the rolled out dough).

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