Aperol Betty Rating: 3.90 / 5.00 (69 Votes)Total time: 5 minIngredients: 4/10 Aprol 4/10 Orange juice 2/10 Grapefruits Ice cubeInstructions: For the Aperol Betty, combine all ingredients and shake. Store in the refrigerator until serving. Related Recipes: Jerusalem Artichoke Reports> I bought Jerusalem artichokes at the market and – following the > recommendation of the farmer’s... Cajun Strata, Cajun Breakfast(*) for an ovenproof dish of 23 x 33 cm, enough for 6 to 8 people. For Cajun Strata, traditional breakfast... Marinated Char and Pike Perch with Sour Cream Mousse And*Cut the lemons and oranges, the lemongrass and the star anise. Mix all ingredients, spread the marinade evenly... Curried Rice Salad with Chicken and NectarinesIn a larger frying pan, bring water to a boil. Pour in chicken thighs and make five minutes with the lid... Crostini with Tuna TartarFor the crostini with tuna tartare, squeeze the limes and mix the juice with the chili sauce in a bowl. Cut... The Classic Bread DumplingFirst, melt the butter in a small pan and mix with milk. Empty both over the bread cubes and let them soak... Pasta Salad with Shrimps and Avocados 020501Pasta dishes are just always delicious! Combine avocados, scampi, pasta, tomatoes and onions in a baking bowl... Caribbean SaladSpread a large salad bowl or serving platter with red lettuce leaves. Shred the iceberg lettuce, grate the... Salad of Chicory and ShrimpsCut the chicory stems small at the root end, check if the stem is bitter. If so, cut out wedge-shaped with a... Belgian Garlic Meat with Endive VegetablesDivide the garlic bulb into cloves, peel them and cut them in half. Select the endives, rinse and cut into 3-4...