Elderberry Water

Prepare the water with the sugar, pour over the elderflower form. Cut the lemons into strips and pour in. Leave for one night, then pass through a fine sieve. Bring the juice to a boil again and bottle.

Crème Styriaca

For the Crème Styriaca, mix the whipping cream with the milk, add the vanilla sugar and bring to the boil. Cool to lukewarm and then stir in the yolks well with a whisk. Pour the mixture through a fine sieve into the molds. Fill a deep baking tray with water and set the molds. Heat … Read more

Fine Strawberry Jam

Cut the strawberries into small pieces and mix them with the remaining ingredients in a large pot. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Then simmer the strawberry mixture for about 5 minutes and puree with a blender. Heat the prepared glasses in the oven at 150 °C. Pour the simmering jam into the hot jars … Read more

Matie Salad Housewife Style

Mix sour milk with yogurt and mayo and add enough cucumber juice (from the jar) to make a creamy sauce. Season with pepper and sugar. Cut the rinsed matie fillets diagonally into 1 cm wide strips. Cut the peeled onion into strips and the cucumber into slices. Remove the skin from the apple, cut it … Read more

Pickled Garlic Cucumbers with Dill

Rinse and clean the cucumbers and divide them evenly among six 1-l preserving jars. In each jar also put a clove, a chili pepper and dill form. Boil water with salt and vinegar, pour the solution boiling over the cucumbers, seal jars on the spot. When the small cucumbers have their harvest time, be sure … Read more

King Prawns on Curried Lentils

For the king prawns on curried lentils, blanch the lentils briefly and rinse. Sauté the diced shallots, diced vegetables and finely chopped half clove of garlic in olive oil without coloring. Also briefly sweat curry powder and deglaze with a little apple cider vinegar. Add lentils and fill up with chicken stock. Add lime leaves … Read more

Fried Coconut Banana

For the fried coconut banana, peel the banana and cut in half. Brush with lemon juice and roll in coconut flakes. Melt the coconut oil in a pan and fry the banana over low heat. Place the fried coconut banana on a plate and garnish with honey.

Veal Liver buergerl.Art in Roman Pot

Skin the liver and remove the tendons. Lard it lavishly with strips of bacon. Brown the liver on both sides in butter, then place in the watered Roman pot. Add finely chopped onions and carrots and the peeled, seeded, quartered tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and pour over the wine. Close the Roman pot … Read more

Cold Vegetable Soup with Peas and Sugar Snap Peas

Dice shallots, peel potatoes and cut into small cubes. Heat oil and butter. Sauté shallots, half of the potatoes and half of the peas. Pour in the stock, let it boil and simmer with the lid on for 15-20 minutes over medium heat. Blend very finely with a hand blender, season vigorously with the juice … Read more

Pizza Pockets with Two Kinds of Filling

For the pizza pockets with two fillings, mix flour with the dry ingredients. Then add garlic, olive oil and honey and enough water to make a smooth firm dough. Knead until it comes away from the sides of the bowl or from your hands. Form a ball, cover and let rise in a warm place … Read more