Vegetable Casserole Au Gratin’

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Perhaps your new favorite bean dish:

Clean bean pods and cut into bite-sized pieces.

Cut zucchini and bell bell pepper into small cubes.

Chop the onion into small pieces.

Clean spinach and rinse thoroughly.

Cook the bean pods in boiling salted water for 5 minutes.

Add the diced peppers and zucchini and cook for another three minutes.

Drain the vegetables, rinse with cold water and drain well.

The blanched spinach leaves, squeeze well and coarsely chop.

Mix all the vegetables together in a baking bowl.

Cut the mozzarella into small cubes.

Grate the Parmesan cheese.

Mix eggs with the cream.

Add about two thirds of the two cheeses, the chopped herbs, the breadcrumbs and the beaten eggs to the vegetables.

Mix well and season with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Spread a little olive oil on an ovenproof gratin dish and pour in the vegetables.

Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bake in a heated oven at 200 °C for about 25 minutes.

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