
Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 20.0 (servings)





Try this delicious cake recipe:

Mix the ingredients for the dough and let stand for 120 minutes.

For the syrup, put all the ingredients in a frying pan and lightly roll. Set aside.

For the filling, chop walnuts and mix with cinnamon sugar.

The dough should fall heavily from the spoon. Fry with oil in frying pan to make small pancakes. Do not turn the pancakes to the other side. Cool.

On the unbaked side of the pancake, mold a tablespoon of the walnut mixture and press the pancakes together at the edges. Now place the pancakes either in the oven (200 °C , 25 min), in the frying pan or in the deep fryer. Pour the syrup over them and serve them hot.

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