Yeast Dough for Yeast Dumplings

Rating: 3.40 / 5.00 (15 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Important: All ingredients must be at least room temperature. Do not prepare anything directly from the refrigerator.

Mix 3/4 of the flour (you will need a quarter for kneading later) with the salt, heat the milk, put the sugar in a large enough bowl, crumble the yeast over it, pour the warm milk over it and let it rise.

Heat the light butter until it is liquid and mix it with the egg.

Pour the flour-salt mixture into a large baking bowl. Make an indentation in the middle. Add the risen yeast, mix it a little, and then add the light butter with the egg and stir it all together.

The whole dough must now be beaten well with a wooden spoon. Later, knead in the remaining flour until the dough is dry (but remains soft). My mother, from whom this recipe is, always says that the dough must be as soft and tender as a young girl’s breasts. But the saying is just as much from her mother, she got it from her mother.

When the dough is ready, it is formed into a large ball and placed in the baking bowl in a warm place (e.g. oven at 50 °C, but leave the oven door ajar (put a wooden spoon in it). Over the baking bowl comes before still another Geschirrhangl.

The dumplings must be torn open directly, otherwise they become soggy.

To this it is best to add a compote, which is quite sweet, but still about a sufficient

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