Pumpernickel with Pumpkin Seed Shank Hop Cream

Rating: 3.78 / 5.00 (51 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

For the base cream:

Aromatics for the light cream:

Aromatics for the orange cream:

Aromatics for the green cream:

For the garnish:


For the pumpernickel with pumpkin seed shank hop cream, lightly roast the Steirerkraft pumpkin seeds chopped in a pan without fat and let cool.

Butter slightly melt and mix with the Schaftopfen creamy. For the different colored creams, mix each with the flavorings listed.

Carefully separate the pumpernickel slices. This is best done with a table knife. Spread the first slice with the paprika cream, place another slice on top and press down. Spread this with the pumpkin seed cream and place a third slice on top. Press down and spread cream all around. The tartlet in roasted, Steirerkraft pumpkin seeds chopped roll. Now refrigerate for about 1 hour.

Cut the tartlets in half, spread a dollop of light cream on each part.

Decorate with whole pumpkin seeds, vegetables and herbs according to your taste.

Then place the pumpernickel with pumpkin seed shank cream on a wooden plate.

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