Pear Nougat Slice

Rating: 1.73 / 5.00 (80 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 10.0 (servings)



For the pear nougat slice, whip cream and place in refrigerator. Allow chocolate to melt. Beat yolks, granulated sugar and vanilla sugar over steam and add chocolate.

Soften gelatin sheets in cold water, squeeze and melt in Cointreau on stove, stir into chocolate mixture. Fold in whipped cream last.

Put half of the mixture into a loaf pan (cover with cling film beforehand), place pear wedges on top and then spread the remaining mixture on top.

Allow to set in the refrigerator for about four hours. Before serving, turn out the pear nougat slice from the mold and cut into pieces.

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