Omelet with Fruits

Rating: 4.50 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Cut ogen melon in half, fish out seeds and form balls from the pulp using a potato cutter. Remove the small leaves from the sharon fruit, rinse, pat dry and cut unpeeled into narrow slices.

Mix eggs, milk, flour and salt to a thin batter and stand for a short time. Heat the oil in a skillet, finish baking four pancakes in it, and shape each onto a heated serving plate. Fluff the cream cheese with a fork and spread evenly on one half of the pancakes. Arrange melon balls and sharon slices decoratively on top evenly or next to it and sprinkle pistachios on top. Fold the free half of the pancakes a little bit over it and bring it to the table on the spot.

Tip: Always use an aromatic ham, it will give your dish a wonderful touch!

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