Meatballs Stuffed with Eggs – India

Rating: 3.11 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)




Place as many eggs as portions in a saucepan of cold water and bring to a gentle boil. In the first 5 min. gently move the eggs so that the yolks remain in the center. Boil down for another 10 min, then quench with cold water, peel off and set aside.

Combine the meat in a saucepan with the ginger, garlic, onions, garam, salt, chili masala, turmeric and water, stir well, bring to a boil, simmer with the lid on for about 20 to half an hour until the meat is cooked. Stir in the chickpea flour and continue cooking until all the liquid is absorbed. Cool, then knead into a smooth meat dough. If necessary, add a little yogurt to moisten.

Divide the meat dough into equal portions, form each into a ball around a hard-boiled egg.

Mix the remaining egg, turn the ‘koftas’ in it to the other side and fry in hot oil until golden brown on all sides. Drain on kitchen paper. Cut in half with a sharp kitchen knife, ladle a little curry over the top and bring to the table hot.

Curry: Roast the onions in hot ghee or oil until soft and pale yellow, then stir-fry the garlic and ginger until the onion is golden brown. Stir in garam masala, turmeric and chili spice, and lastly the tomatoes and salt. Cover and cook to a paste, stirring occasionally. Stir the yogurt until smooth, mix with the water and add to the simmering curry form. Stir thoroughly and cover with an open lid.

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