1 Peel the shallots. Remove skin from cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise and remove seeds. Quarter and clean the peppers. Cut everything into large cubes. Clean gooseberries and mix in. In a food processor, finely grind one half and coarsely grind the other.
Put everything into a large saucepan.
Clean 2 chilies, finely dice. Remove the peel from the ginger and grate finely. Mix both with mustard, mustard seeds, paprika powder, vinegar, salt and sugar into the puree, bring to a boil and cook at low temperature, stirring, until the liquid has almost evaporated. Fold in curry just before end of cooking time.
3 Fill the relish boiling hot into the sterilized jars, seal on the spot.
Tip: Shelf life is about 3-4 months. Goes well with pork, ham, poultry, smoked fish, on sandwiches.
Tip: Always use an aromatic ham, it will give your dish a wonderful touch!