Cream Cheese Tomato Terrine

Rating: 3.75 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



(*) Tureens a 700 ml capacity

One tureen is enough for 2 people.

Remove the skin from the onions and dice finely. Blanch tomatoes, peel, crush, pass through a sieve, collect juice.

Sauté onions in oil until soft, extinguish with tomato juice. Cook at high temperature for about 1 hour to half, season.

Soak gelatin (1) according to package directions, squeeze out, let melt in hot tomato mixture. Fill each tureen with a quarter of the quantity, place in the freezer to set.

Whip cream until stiff, fold into cream cheese. Rinse basil, chop, stir into the mixture, season to taste. Soak gelatine (2), let it melt, fold into the cheese cream. Divide evenly among the terrines, freeze repeatedly.

Pour remaining tomato puree on top of solidified cheese cream. Leave terrines in freezer for 2 hours, turn upside down before serving.

1 terrine = 2 servings = 120 calories per unit

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