Beef Casserole in Red Wine Sauce

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (43 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



For the beef casserole, cut the meat into rough cubes and sauté briefly and hotly in olive oil in a casserole.

Remove the meat from the pot and also briefly sauté the onion, garlic and carrots in the drippings. Add the meat again.

Now add the herbs, bacon, olives, canned tomatoes and spices and pour in the wine. Bring everything to the boil and then cover and leave to simmer in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees Celsius for a good 2 hours.

Then reduce the heat to about 150 degrees Celsius and braise for another 1.5-2 hours. Keep checking to make sure there is still enough liquid/sauce.

If too much liquid evaporates, simply replenish with wine (or soup).

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