Vegetable Fritters on Herb Sauce

Rating: 2.40 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Baking dough:


A bean recipe for every taste:


Steam the vegetables in foaming butter until soft, add sugar, soup, garlic, turmeric as well as ginger and simmer on low heat with the lid closed.

Put the vegetables in a sieve, reserve a little of the stock for the herb sauce and cook the rest of the stock with the heavy cream until syrupy.

Away from the stove, mix in the egg yolks, add the vegetables, mix briefly and chill well for a couple of hours.

Lay out the spinach leaves, fill with the vegetable mixture and form into balls.

Herb sauce

Bring the reserved vegetable stock to a boil, add the parsley leaves and wild garlic, blend with the heavy cream, season and keep warm.


Stir the ingredients for the batter, turn the vegetable balls in flour on the other side, pull them through the batter and fry them in oil at 180 °C until crispy.

Spread the sauce evenly on warmed plates, arrange the hot vegetable fritters on top.

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