Foam Rollers

Rating: 3.07 / 5.00 (14 Votes)

Total time: 5 min



For the foam rolls, first roll out a finished butter dough into an oblong patch about 2 1/2 cm wide, not too thick, and cut into 2 cm wide strips about 16 cm long. Lightly moisten these strips with water.

Spiral them onto the foam roll tubes (tapered tin cylinders). Make sure that the edges of the dough are just above each other. Place the rolls on the baking sheet with the dough end down, brush with thinned ice cream spread and place in the hot oven.

When the foam rolls have finished baking and have cooled a bit, carefully peel them off the rolls. After they have cooled completely, fill the foam rolls with sweetened whipped cream and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

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