Tiramisu – Pound Cure

Rating: 3.63 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Tirmaisu is the classic from Italy! But unfortunately it usually contains many fat eyes due to the mascarpone cheese. Who does not want to do without the delicious dessert, should definitely try this low-fat Varriante.

Cook the vanilla pudding according to the instructions, but only with a quarter of a liter of milk and 40 g of sugar. This makes a very thick pudding. Set aside and always stir a second time to prevent a skin from forming. Boil 2 small cups of mocha or espresso and refrigerate as well.

Whip the low-fat curd, sugar and cognac in a dysentery mixer until hearty, 5 minutes. Then gradually fold in the lukewarm vanilla pudding. Whip the whipped cream until stiff and carefully fold into the curd pudding mixture. The low-fat and tasty cream is now ready.

Place the biscuits on a plate and drizzle with the mocha or espresso. Then alternate layers of cream and flavored cookies in a mold. The last layer is the crem. Sprinkle with cocoa powder. Let the tiramisu rest in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

then pulls through nicely and tastes much better. If you can afford it, use only 100 g curd cheese and 100 g mascarpone instead of 200 g low-fat curd cheese. That is 5 fat eyes per unit more.

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