Pretzels, Laugenhoernle

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Yeast dough:



Make yeast dough from above ingredients, rise well (double volume). Cut pieces into small pieces, roll, form into pretzels.

Put them on a buttered baking tray and let them rise for 20 minutes. Carefully brush with the mixed lye. Bake at 230 C for about 15 minutes. The exact baking time has to be tested, depends on the thickness of the dough and how crispy you want the thinner parts.

Thomas Nagel: At least in southwest Germany, lye pastries are made with caustic soda. When baking with high heat, various chemical processes of the lye take place with the dough, and the classic texture and pleasant taste are created. The degradation product may be similar to that of soda, but flat not only alone. The “home bakery recipes” with dissolved soda are second-rate and not authentic, such things are printed only because they want to discourage people from dangerous handling of soda lye. Which is also a good reason. There are still more subtleties in making pretzels, but this is getting out of hand. From a certain latitude there are anyway no good Bretzgen more

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