Preserved Pumpkin Sweet and Sour

Rating: 3.40 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



for 4 jars (a 1 L capacity):

Remove the peel from the pumpkin, stone it, cut it into small slices with a craft knife and put it in a baking dish. Mix one-eighth L vinegar and one-eighth L tap water and pour it over the pumpkin. Refrigerate and let steep, preferably for one night. Rinse lemon, thinly remove peel, cut in half, squeeze juice. Cut the vanilla bean lengthwise, scrape out the pulp, cut the bean into quarters.

Separate the ginger from the peel. Boil sugar, remaining vinegar, 375 ml tap water, juice of one lemon and zest, ginger, vanilla bean and pulp, cinnamon sticks and cloves. Meanwhile, drain pumpkin.

Rinse canning jars thoroughly, pat dry. Boil rubber rings in tap water for a few minutes. Leave rings in cold tap water until ready to use. Add squash slices in batches to sugar-vinegar broth. Boil once briefly until they are translucent.

Immediately remove with slotted ladle and pour into jars. Allow vinegar-sugar broth to cool and pour over squash. Place rubber ring and lid damp on cleaned rim of jar.

Close jars with clamps or alternatively hangers and place in fat pan filled with hot tap water to boil down.

Place in the heated oven (electric stove: 200 degrees Celsius.

gas stove: level 3)

brew. The glasses must not touch each other. Turn off the oven as soon as it starts to pe

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