For the bread dumplings, fry chopped shallots in butter until golden brown, add bread cubes and toss briefly. Transfer to a large bowl and knead well with beaten eggs, milk, cornstarch, salt, nutmeg and parsley. Let the mixture rest for 15 minutes (add more bread cubes if needed). Form dumplings from the mass with slightly moistened hands, turn them briefly in flour and reshape them nicely round. Bring salted water to the boil, add the dumplings and let them steep for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, shake the pot from time to time to prevent the dumplings from sticking. Lift out and drain.
Bread Dumplings

Rating: 3.36 / 5.00 (66 Votes)
Total time: 45 min
Servings: 4.0 (servings)