Beef Fillet with Pepperoni Sauce – *

Rating: 2.71 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)


Broccoli An Balsamic:

Mashed potato and apple:


(*) Beef tenderloin on peperoni sauce with broccoli on balsamic vinegar salad sauce and potato-apple puree The day before, prepare the pecoroni sauce: Place peppers in oven heated to 200 degrees for about half an hour. Remove seeds, peel, cut into coarse pieces, blend in a cutter with vegetable broth and cream. Season the sauce with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste and thicken with a little flour if necessary.

Cook broccoli in salted water for ten to fifteen minutes, drain and cool a little. Stir safflower oil and aceto balsamic vinegar with a whisk, season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste, pour over the lukewarm broccoli roses form.

Peeled potatoes cut into small cubes, make fifteen min in salted water. After seven or eight min. simmer peeled, cored and diced apples. Pour off water.

Strain potato and apple pieces, add repeatedly to frying pan. Add milk and butter, whip amount with ladle until fluffy. You can also use celery instead of apples. (Make together with potatoes from the beginning.) Quarter or slice mushrooms, sauté in a little butter for 3 to 4 minutes until soft. Add finely chopped parsley.

Fry beef fillet briefly in oil, season with salt and pepper, place in buttered casserole dish, cook in oven heated to 180 °C for 20 minutes.

Warm up pepperoni sauce, put it on the plate as a sauce layer. Arrange beef fillet on top, cover with potato peel.

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