Soft Seltascherl

Rating: 3.27 / 5.00 (37 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 10.0 (servings)


For the dough:

For the sugar-crumb mixture:


Cook the potatoes for the soft gelatin dumplings. In the meantime, prepare everything. Once the potatoes are cooked, press them hot and mix with the flour, butter, a pinch of salt and eggs to make a smooth dough. Let rest briefly.

Roll out the potato dough on a coated baking pan about 3 millimeters thick and cut out round circles with a cookie cutter. Spoon some jam in the center. Then lay the dough on top of each other in a crescent shape and press the edges of the dough together.

Put water in a big pot, salt it and let 1 test piece cook in it. If it holds, now cook the other patties as well. Cook for about 5-7 minutes. As soon as they float to the surface, drain the patties.

In a large frying pan, toast the breadcrumbs with butter, a little sugar and a pinch of cinnamon until golden and turn the Tascherl in it. Sprinkle the soft gelatinous pastries with powdered sugar and serve with apple compote.

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