Carpaccio of the Langoustino with Lime Sorbet

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Lime sorbet:

Woodruff cream:


Remove the langoustino meat from the shell and set aside four of the eight langoustinos for later. Cut the other four in half lengthwise and remove the intestines. Spread the meat evenly in a rice-proof freezer bag (or cling film) and gently pound it thin with a flattening iron.

Then freeze briefly. Then cut out the now “hard langustino plate” four times with a metal ring. Stir olive oil and juice of one lemon and brush the center of the plates with it.

Place the frozen carpaccio on the plates and marinate the surface with the previously mixed juice of one lemon and olive oil. Season lightly with sea salt and white pepper.

Season the other four langustino on both sides with pepper & salt. Heat oil in a frying pan and roast the langustinos on both sides until golden brown (about a minute and a half per side). Prepare them at the end so they can be served very hot and fresh.

Lime sorbet:

Heat water and sugar in a saucepan, add soaked gelatin and stir with the fresh lime juice. Then freeze. Tip: Cook the lime sorbet the day before and put it in the freezer for one night or make it with an ice cream maker.

Woodruff cream:

Heat the milk to 40 °C. Add the frozen woodruff, cut into small pieces. For a special flavor, chop the lime leaves and add them to the cream.

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