Basil Spaetzle

Rating: 3.13 / 5.00 (56 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the basil spaetzle, stir flour, water, eggs and the finely chopped basil into a spaetzle dough and season with salt. Let rest for about 10 minutes and in the meantime bring water to a boil. Stir the spaetzle dough again and press it with a spatula through the spaetzle grater into the boiling water. Bring to a boil once and strain the basil spaetzle.

For the sauce, toast the pine nuts without oil, add olive oil and sauté with finely chopped onion pieces. Cut the raw ham into strips and fry. Cut the canned tomatoes into strips and bring to the boil briefly with the olives. Add the cooked basil spaetzle and continue to simmer briefly.

Sprinkle the finely grated Parmesan over the basil spaetzle with sauce and serve.

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