Wine Plum Chocolate Cake

Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 (27 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For watering:

For the chocolate filling cream:


For the plum chocolate cake, prepare the chocolate filling cream the day before. The next day, cut the chocolate base (see basic recipe) horizontally into 3 parts.

Spread the bottom one with currant jam and spread the plums on top. Set aside 14 pieces as garnish.

Whip the chocolate cream in a food processor until well stiff and spread some of it over the plums.

Place the middle chocolate layer on top, drizzle with a little rum and liqueur sugar and again spread some of the chocolate cream on top. Soak the top chocolate layer in the same way and place it on top.

Coat the sides of the cake with the remaining mixture. Spread whipped cream on top and divide into 14 pieces.

Spread a rosette of whipped cream on each piece and place a plum on top. Sprinkle chocolate shavings in the center of the cake and serve the plum and chocolate cake.

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