Herbed Chicken Breast with Red Wine Shallots

Rating: 4.50 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)

2 servings:


Peel shallots and garlic, sauté in 20 g butter and the oil for 3 min, dust with 1 tbsp. flour, sweat briefly and extinguish with vegetable soup. At low temperature and without lid, reduce by half. Add red wine. Cook the sauce again for about 10 minutes.

In the meantime, pluck parsley leaves. Cut chives into rolls, grind kitchen herbs and the egg with a chopping stick.

Cut fat and sinews on meat into small pieces. Cut meat lengthwise into 6 evenly narrow slices. Season meat with salt, season with pepper, turn in the remaining flour to the other side, pat well and then pull through the herb egg.

Roast meat slices in the remaining light butter or butter at low temperature for 2-3 min on each side.

Season red wine shallots with salt & pepper and then arrange on hot plates with the herbed chicken breast.

Serve with : boiled peeled potatoes or baguette.

Drink : dry white wine **

Our tip: It is best to use fresh herbs for a particularly good aroma!

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