King Prawns on Curried Lentils

Rating: 3.99 / 5.00 (95 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For the curry lenses:

For the king prawns:


For the king prawns on curried lentils, blanch the lentils briefly and rinse.

Sauté the diced shallots, diced vegetables and finely chopped half clove of garlic in olive oil without coloring. Also briefly sweat curry powder and deglaze with a little apple cider vinegar. Add lentils and fill up with chicken stock. Add lime leaves and squeezed lemongrass and cook lentils until al dente. Season with salt and pepper and let cool. Stir in the vinegar and oils and fold in the herbs just before serving.

Season the king prawns with salt, pepper and lemon, fry in olive oil for 1 minute on both sides with the clove of garlic pressed on and the sprig of thyme. Arrange the king prawns on curried lentils and garnish with leaf lettuce.

This recipe was provided by:Celebrity chef Christian Petz

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