Vanilla Crescent Strudel

Rating: 3.66 / 5.00 (137 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For the Vanillekipferlstrudel Tante Fanny Prepare drawn strudel egg according to package instructions.Preheat oven to 170 ° C top / bottom heat.Milk, eggs, cinnamon, granulated sugar in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Add the brioche cut into cubes.Place sheets of strudel dough on the prepared countertop, spread liquid butter between the two sheets of strudel dough. Apply the filling, sprinkle with vanilla wafer crumbs, fold edges and roll up strudel. Brush the strudel with butter and decorate with some vanilla crescent curd. Bake the strudel at approx. 170° C for approx. 20 – 25 minutes until golden brown.

Preparation time: approx. 20 min.Baking time: top/bottom heat: 170° C, approx. 20-25 min. hot-air oven: 160° C

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