Stuffed Pigeon Cutlet with Fresh Morels

Rating: 3.28 / 5.00 (40 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Poultry farce:


Remove the pigeons so that the breasts and legs (without thigh bones) are ready for stuffing. Dice the toast and fry in clarified butter until golden brown, let cool. Mix with the farce and diced vegetables and spread on the previously lightly seasoned legs. Cover with breast and wrap in pork netting. Roast in the preheated oven at about 220 degrees for 10 minutes (you can make a nice jus, a clear poultry stock from the carcasses), then let rest briefly on a hot plate with the leg side down. Sauté morels in butter along with shallots and herbs. Deglaze with Madeira, season and serve immediately together with the pigeon breasts.Preparation poultry farce:Remove tendons and skin from poultry. Then mixed with the whipped cream in a cutter, pass through a sieve and finish with liquid cream.

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