Pork Rolls Stuffed with Olives

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



The slices of meat should not be thicker than half a centimeter, but as large as possible! Lay them out on the surface so that the seam – if there is one – faces up. Season sparingly with salt (because of the bacon) and boldly with pepper.

Spread wafer-thin slices of bacon evenly over the slice of meat, then top with a layer of chard leaves that have been blanched in salted water.

Cut the remaining chard into narrow strips for a side dish and blanch as well. Drain well. Sauté one finely diced onion and two cloves of garlic in hot olive oil, add the chard, season heartily with pepper, cayenne pepper, salt and mace. Sauté for ten min with the lid closed until soft, then season with grated lemon zest.

For the filling, pit and coarsely chop aromatic olives and spread evenly over the chard leaf layer. Roll up the cutlet so that at the beginning the leaves cover the olives and then the bacon slices surround the leaves. Finally, fold the cutlet so that nowhere olives can fall out. Tie these parcels tightly with kitchen twine. Fry in hot olive oil. Cut the root vegetables into tiny cubes and fry them until they are soft. Repeatedly extinguish with a dash of clear soup so that nothing sets or browns too much.

Finally, pour in the wine and cook the stuffed rolls quietly for about 20 minutes with the lid closed.

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