Fried Plantains

Peel the bananas and cut into 1 cm thick slices. Heat the oil in a deep fryer or in a high pot to 175 °C and deep-fry the bananas in batches until golden brown. Drain briefly on kitchen paper. Sprinkle with desire spice according to taste.

Mussel Onion Stew From Scotland – From the Middle Ages

Recipe from the Open Arms restaurant in Dirleton, East Lothian, Scotland. This is an ancient Scottish dish that can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Melt butter in a saucepan, add onion. Cook over low heat until onion is translucent. Add flour, stir well, then add fish stock. Stir until well blended, then simmer … Read more

Quick Chamois Back

For the quick chamois separate the silver skin from the meat. Season with pepper and seasoning salt for game and sear in a pan of oil. Then remove from the pan and wrap in aluminum foil and let rest (turning occasionally). Serve the quick saddle of chamois with side dishes such as rice or chestnut … Read more

Pasta Alla Palermitana – Pasta with Bell Pepper/Aubergo

Pasta dishes are always a good idea! The peppers as ditto the melanzani rinse, dab. Quarter the pepper, cut out the seeds and then cut into thin strips. Chop the melanzani and the toamts into small cubes. Stone the olives and chop the capers. Remove the peel from the garlic clove and finely weigh it … Read more

Sausage Goulash

Heat the oil and sauté the onion rings. Add the sausages and tomatoes and cook for a few minutes. Sprinkle with paprika powder. Mix in the diced cucumber. Simmer for another 10 minutes. Serve sprinkled with chives or parsley. Tip: As an alternative to fresh chives, you can also use freeze-dried chives.

Stuffed Eggs

For the stuffed eggs, first hard boil the eggs for about 10 min. Peel the eggs and cut them lengthwise. Put the egg yolk in a bowl and mash it with a fork. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well with a hand mixer. Pour the mixture into a piping bag and pipe into the … Read more

Nut Brandy

Halve or quarter the green nuts (harvest by the end of July) and put them in a large jar (ideally a large cucumber jar) with the other ingredients and the starter grain. Put the whole in the sun, or a warm place for 5-7 weeks. Boil candy sugar in a little water. Filter the liquor … Read more

Leek Curry Quiche

A cake recipe for all foodies: (*) give about 26cm in diameter. Clean the leeks carefully, cut off the roots and rinse thoroughly. Then cut the vegetables into thin rings. Remove the skin from the ginger and finely grate or chop it. Remove the garlic from the skin, squeeze it and add it. Mix well. … Read more

Light Menu with Sea Bass – Living at Home 3/2004

The day before : make Moravian soup 2 hours before : clean and dice chicory, cover and set aside : make orange marinade 1 hour before : prepare sea bass fillets 30 min. before the guests arrive : heat the Moravian soup, whip the cream until stiff, chop the chervil : cook the sea bass … Read more