Brown Trout Wrapped in Bacon with Hand Stirred Polenta

Rating: 4.05 / 5.00 (115 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


For the polenta:


For the brown trout wrapped in bacon with hand-stirred polenta, boil the salted water in a large pot. Then slowly add the cornmeal bit by bit to the boiling water, stirring vigorously, preferably with a snow rod. Simmer on the lowest heat for longer or shorter, depending on the instructions, until the polenta is nice and creamy.

Meanwhile, stir repeatedly so that the polenta does not stick to the bottom. (Finally, stir in the butter and season the polenta to taste.

Wash the brown trout, dab dry and stuff each with a sprig of tarragon. Season with a little salt and pepper and wrap with the bacon slices.

Heat a suitable cast iron pan (or two small ones), put the trout in and fry them first on high heat, later on medium heat. After about 10 minutes, turn and finish frying the brown trout wrapped in bacon.

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