Roast Veal in Herb Coating

Rating: 2.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




Remove meat from refrigerator about one hour before browning. Preheat stove to 80 degrees, plate, dish and gravy boat.

Season the meat. Heat oil in a frying pan, reduce temperature, sear meat Fifteen minutes, turn to the other side only when a crust has formed, pull frying pan from the plate.

Sprinkle kitchen herbs on the preheated plate, turn roast in it to the other side, insert meat thermometer.

Cooking: one and a half to 120 minutes in the lower half of the heated oven. The core temperature should be 60 °C.

Roast can then be kept warm at 60 degrees for up to an hour.

Sauce: warm olive oil in the same pan, sauté shallot and garlic. Pour in wine and soup, release drippings, let bubble, reduce temperature, boil liquid to half. Add tomatoes, olives and basil, just until hot, season.

Serve: Cut roast into narrow tranches, arrange on the warm plates, bring sauce to the table with it.

Go well with it: Roast potatoes or fresh bread.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen ones – these also have a fresh taste!

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