Poularde Mediterranean

Rating: 3.40 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)


For garnish:



60 min, elaborate Divide the poulard into 4 pieces and season with turmeric, pepper and a little sea salt (the kalamata olives, caper berries, dried tomatoes and the sambal ölek contain a lot of salt, so season carefully with salt!). Sauté the chicken pieces with the 3 coffee measuring cups of olive oil in a medium-hot frying pan until golden on both sides. Remove from the frying pan and keep warm.

Sauté the finely chopped onion in the olive oil remaining in the frying pan and quickly sauté the carrots, yellow beets, celery and fennel cut into 8-10 mm strips. Add the finely chopped garlic cloves, mix a few times and extinguish with the white wine. Remove the frying pan from the stove and drain all the vegetables through a sieve and keep warm as well.

Bring the remaining stock in the pan to a boil with the paradeis pulp, sambal oelek and chicken stock, add the poulard pieces. Cut off the canned tomatoes and pour in the tomato juice. Fill a linen bag with the fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, oregano) and place in the center of the roasting pan. Cover and steam for about 30 minutes.

Stir in the warm vegetables, finely sliced dried tomatoes, caper berries cut into coarse rings and pitted olives. Turn poulard pieces to the other side and continue to steam repeatedly for about 20 min with the lid closed. Chop the basil with a herb cradle and mix with crème f

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