Fruits in Red Wine and Honey

Rating: 4.24 / 5.00 (21 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 8.0 (servings)



Lightly caramelize the sugar and deglaze with red wine, but never stir! Add cinnamon stick and cloves, boil down. Mix the cornflour with a little red wine and thicken the mixture to a syrupy consistency. Bring to a boil and strain to taste. Stir in honey at the end. Steep the fruit in the hot red wine mixture on the lowest heat, depending on the degree of ripeness or firmness, and then allow to cool again. (After about 2-3 hours, pears or apples, for example, are still light inside, the next day they are already colored through or dark red by the red wine). Serve with a touch of black pepper, according to taste.

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