Cabbage Rolls, Cabbage Rolls

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



A bean recipe for every taste:

Sauté finely chopped onions and garlic cloves in butter until soft. Finely chop the savory and marjoram leaves and sauté briefly with the onions.

Soak the butter peaks in good soup and squeeze out.

Add all ingredients plus egg to the minced meat and mix thoroughly. Season with salt, black pepper, ground cumin and paprika.

Boil white cabbage in salted water, cool it down and let it cool down a little bit. Then peel the leaves, remove the hard stalk part. On each leaf about two tablespoons of the minced meat mixture form. Fold the leaf over the side and roll it up from the stem, perhaps tying it with kitchen thread.

Heat goose or pork lard in a pan and fry cabbage rolls on both sides. Extinguish with vegetable stock or veal stock, put on lid and steam for at least half an hour.

Cabbage rolls belong to those dishes that taste even better after reheating. So you can cook them the day before. Before serving, boil the stock separately, perhaps reducing it a little and adding seasoning. Heat the wraps gently in it. The usual accompaniment is mashed potatoes or boiled potatoes.

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