Ingredients Rating: 3.60 / 5.00 (5 Votes)Total time: 45 minServings: 4.0 (Ingredients)Ingredients: 375 g Flour 20 g Germ 1 teaspoon(s) Sugar 125 ml Approx. milk 1 Egg Salt Nutmeg 50 g Ready, fresh pasta doughInstructions: Ingredients Related Recipes: Pâté – Basic RecipeFor the pie dough, sift the flour onto a work surface, divide the butter into small pieces, crumble with the... Jerusalem Artichoke Reports> I bought Jerusalem artichokes at the market and – following the > recommendation of the farmer’s... Cajun Strata, Cajun Breakfast(*) for an ovenproof dish of 23 x 33 cm, enough for 6 to 8 people. For Cajun Strata, traditional breakfast... Marinated Char and Pike Perch with Sour Cream Mousse And*Cut the lemons and oranges, the lemongrass and the star anise. Mix all ingredients, spread the marinade evenly... IngredientsIngredients IngredientsIngredients IngredientsIngredients IngredientsIngredients IngredientsIngredients IngredientsIngredients